Last week my new Behmor coffee roaster arrived along with 10 pounds of green beans from Sweet Marias. Ideally you’re supposed to let the beans rest for about 48 hours before brewing them, so I had to time my first roasting cycle with my existing roasted bean supply. Today was the day to fire it up, so my son and I set about getting the first couple batches roasted. Overall it was really easy. With the Behmor the whole process is just a push button digital experience. There was a faint smell that came out of the machine, but sitting under the vent hood in the kitchen with a window cracked the house didn’t turn into too much of a coffee roastery.
For the first 1/2 pound run I added a bit too much “extra” time and 2nd crack snuck up on me awfully quick. Still they came out pretty good looking, probably great for espresso.
Then I took the remaining 1/2 pound and made another batch, this time going with the 12 minute P1 profile. These came out a nice FC+. I expect the lighter batch will be a bit brighter in the cup. Will be interesting to try the same bean roasted differently and taste the differences.

My assistant.

The darker batch.

Bean counter.

Light and dark.