Tag Archives: UX

Amazon: Very Intelligent Shipping System

The other day I ordered some new rechargeable batteries from Amazon. I chose a couple different items and put them in my cart. At some point during the checkout process I noticed the estimated ship date was a few days … Continue reading

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Progressive Insurance Rocks!

Last night I accidentally left the inside lights on in my Honda Odyssey. Oops. This morning as my wife was headed to story time at the library she discovered the resulting dead battery. Sorry honey. So I called up Progressive … Continue reading

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DeathCabForCutie.com MySQL Meltdown

I stopped by DeathCabForCutie.com today to see if they had any tour dates. After trying to click on the blog the website turned into a pile of steaming MySQL failure! Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /nfs/c04/h02/mnt/62444/domains/deathcabforcutie.com/releases/20090526132419/cake/libs/model/dbo/dbo_mysql.php on line … Continue reading

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