Apple’s Product Pipeline has Constipation

Apple, listen up. These product release delays are getting silly. The new MacBook Pros should have been released a long time ago. Meanwhile the Mac Pro is getting stale. People don’t even buy Mac Pros anymore because the faster/cheaper i7 iMac is available. I thought you had a friends-with-benefits relationship with intel? Where’s the love?

A Mac mini with HDMI would be sweeeeet! But it kind of seems like you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Why would I buy an Apple TV if I can get a Mac mini with HDMI? Evidently the Apple TV is just a side project anyway and adding DVR functionality to it would be stupid, because then everyone that has a TiVo could be your new customers. Retarded apple execs. Of course adding a DVR to Apple TV would be a good idea.

So let’s get this clog in your product pipeline worked out. The Olympics are over. There is nothing good on TV. Release some damn products!

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Progressive Insurance Rocks!

Last night I accidentally left the inside lights on in my Honda Odyssey. Oops. This morning as my wife was headed to story time at the library she discovered the resulting dead battery. Sorry honey. So I called up Progressive because I pay the extra $7 to get the roadside assistance. I had a person on the phone within 30 seconds, and we had less than a 2 minute conversation. Literally less than 5 minutes later a tow truck pulled up at the house to jump start the car. That is some damn speedy service.

insert roadside_assistance (name, type, description) values ('Jono', 'jump start', 'Left the lights on, car is parked in the garage, please jump start ASAP');

Update: Okay I misunderstood. The tow truck didn’t show up within 5 minutes, but the tow truck driver called within 5 minutes. Apparently the driver’s GPS couldn’t find our house. But Google Maps can find our house, don’t you have an iPhone? Perhaps Progressive should use an incentive based system where the tow trucks get an extra bonus if they arrive on scene within say 15 minutes.

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Google Public DNS: Perhaps better than Comcast?

I walked into my office after lunch and my internet connection was down. WTF? How can it be down. Well, turns out the internet is just fine, but the Comcast DNS servers are either not responding, or are running really slow. I made a quick configuration change to use Google’s new public DNS system and web pages are loading faster than ever.

A few people have reported that Google’s DNS servers run a little slower than most ISPs. Well that may be true, but if your ISP has flakey DNS servers (as Comcast does) then Google is likely a better option. Also, Google is supposed to be better at dealing with cache misses, which is one of the biggest performance culprits.

Oh, and I checked Google’s privacy policy before I made this change. If they’re telling the truth they seem to be being good stewards of the DNS data.

Their DNS server IP addresses are:

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My Intel X-25M Died!

I’ve been running an Intel X-25M G1 in my Mac for about 9 months. I paid $325 for it last year. It’s been the single biggest performance improvement I’ve ever made to a system. I thought the SSDs were supposed to be more reliable than mechanical hard drives, as there are no moving parts. However, I was wrong. This morning my Mac Mini which had the Intel X-25M in it came to a grinding halt. The whole system just felt sluggish and I could see in activity monitor that disk speeds were just a few MB/sec. I booted up from an OS X DVD and was going to try to run a repair on the SSD, but then it stopped showing up altogether.

After I reinstalled OS X on another drive I plugged the X-25M into a firewire docking station, and the drive is showing up in disk utility as being 0 bytes in size, and being read only. Umm, I think that means the drive is toast.

I called Intel support and they agreed I had done the right things to test the drive. They’re going to send me a new drive once I send back the old one. I’m really hoping they send me the Intel X-25M G2 which has TRIM support. We’ll see.

Also, this was a good test of my backup system. I backup daily to my OpenSolaris server running ZFS. After I loaded OS X up on my replacement it was a matter of running a quick rsync and I had all my data back. I do keep time machine backups too, but I’ve been disconnected from my time machine drive for a week or two.

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Google Fiber: Another Way To Get Our Data

Today Google launched their new Google Fiber for Communities pilot project. The goal is to deliver super fast fiber internet connections to your home. But before you go dashing off to sign your community up for this service consider for a moment Google’s motivations for becoming an ISP.

Put simply, Google wants our data. All of it. Every last bit. What data is Google going to have access to if they’re our ISP? Well everything. At a base level they’ll have access to your DNS data, because your computer will by default use their DNS servers for resolution. This would be extremely valuable to Google as it helps them analyze our browsing habits and show us advertising we might be interested in.

For example, say you were doing research on cars. You visit a bunch of automotive sites, and some sites where cars are reviewed. Then you go and visit some financing sites to figure out how you’re going to get a loan for new car. Then it’s time to check your Gmail one last time before going to bed. Wait a minute, here in my Gmail I’ve got an advertisement for a car loan. How did that little bugger get in there? The email I’m reading doesn’t have anything to do with car loans? Well Google connected all the dots. You’ve been visiting car websites for the past hour, and they’re damned sure you’d click on an adsense link if it promised a low car loan interest rate.

Now lets take this data sleuthing another level. The ISP also has access to every single packet of data that flows in or out of your computer. What if Google analyzed every single packet? Maybe as you’re surfing the car websites you spent a lot of time looking at red Porsches. Google can inspect those packets flowing across the network, and programmatically determine that you’re looking at red Porsches. Now suddenly in your Gmail you’re seeing adsense advertisements for great interest rates on red Porsches. Damn that Google is smart. They knew exactly what I was after!

Now I’ve said before that Google could be very useful in organizing our information. Surely they could do a better job than Homeland security in creating a database full of terrorist information, and then making sure that data does its job at keeping us safe. But it gets a little scary when Google becomes the ISP, and suddenly they’ve got everything. It will be very interesting to see where this goes next.

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Bad Decision: Alaska Air To Stop Serving Jones Soda

I’m very disappointed in you Alaska. Your recent decision to stop serving Jones Soda is a big mistake. You were an innovator. You were doing the right thing. Now you’re just like all the other airlines. Serving crappy high fructose corn syrup soda, charging for bags, and doing whatever you can to save a dollar.

I’ve been a loyal Alaska flier for years. Part of the reason I choose your airline is because you’ve been a good northwest company. I like that you we’re supporting Jones Soda. I like that you serve microbrews on Horizon. I like that I used to be able to get a $50 companion fare with my Bank Of America Visa (now you’ve jacked the companion fare up to $100). I even gave you the benefit of the doubt when your maintenance department messed up and 83 people died on flight 261. But it might be time to find a new airline. I think Virgin might be a good replacement.

For anyone not familiar with Jones Soda, it’s a naturally made soda and they give a damn about the environment.

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Nikon Releases 24mm f/1.4

Today Nikon released some really fancy new lenses including the 24mm f/1.4 G ED, 16-35 f/4 G ED. The 24mm 1.4 will be an amazing lens. Shooting that wide at 1.4 makes for some great images. The price tag is a little steep at $2200. I’m sure these lenses will be in short supply for a while as is typical of new Nikon products.

I don’t think this is enough to make me switch from Canon though. In the Canon world we’ve got the 35mm 1.4 which makes ridiculously great images and is going for around $1400 these days.

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New MacBook Pros Coming Tomorrow?

I’m predicting that Apple will announce the new MacBook Pros tomorrow. Let’s see if it happens. Will they put the Intel Core i7 in the 13″ model? Or just the 15″ and 17″ models? Would be pretty cool if the $1200 13″ model got a nice speed bump. Best Buy has removed the current generation from their inventory system and some benchmarks for the new model have been posted.

I just sold my 15″ Penryn MacBook Pro on Saturday so I’m all set to upgrade!

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Apple iPad

Magical & Revolutionary Device at an Unbelievable Price
Apple released the iPad today! I have to say I wasn’t that excited about a tablet from Apple, but it looks pretty cool. And it’s only $499. Way to go Apple! Everyone was expecting it to be priced at $999. But why would anyone spend a grand on tablet when for a few hundred more you get the 13″ MacBook Pro?

I really hope the iPad comes with a few basic OS X apps. I need the Terminal and a TextEdit at minimum. Actually if I could install a few non-native OS X apps that would be even better. TextMate on an iPad! It will be interesting to see how Apple manages the iPhone OS vs OS X spectrum. According to Steve the iPad sits in the middle. It runs iPhone apps. But what about the other end of the spectrum, OS X apps?

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I stopped by today to see if they had any tour dates. After trying to click on the blog the website turned into a pile of steaming MySQL failure!

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /nfs/c04/h02/mnt/62444/domains/ on line 102
Too many connections

It looks like they’re using CakePHP and perhaps the caching system (or lack thereof) needs a little tuning. Here’s a couple pointers for whoever supports this site:

  • The homepage shouldn’t require any database reads! If the content is in a CMS then only a dirty cache page load should require a read.
  • If you’re doing any writing to MySQL for anonymous users (analytics, etc) time to get rid of this. Use something like Google Analytics for analytics.
  • A quick and dirty approach to tuning is to set Apache’s MaxClients and MySQL’s max_connections to the same value. That way when the site gets overloaded, users don’t continue firing off HTTP requests, which in turn add fuel to fire.
  • Might be a good time to add a CDN to the site. This won’t solve any MySQL problems, but if you’re pushing 1.5 MB of content to users, might as well use something like Amazon CloudFront to do the heavy lifting. Then your web server can just worry about serving up just the HTML.

Personally I’m using WordPress quite a bit these days. Add a caching plugin like WP Super Cache and you’re ready for some serious traffic.

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